ASE A1-A8 Study Guide -Plus the G1! It contains test preparation for the core A1 - A8 plus a practice test with detailed explanations for the G1 Maintenance and Light Repair test. In addition, we offer free test prep videos for the ASE A1 through A8 certification exams and a free ASE...
ASE Test Prep and Study Guidecovers ASE areas A1–A8 and was written to help service technicians and students of automotive technology prepare to take the National ASE Certification Tests.James Halderman
Over 3,500 high-quality ASE questions, multiple test types, covering the A Series plus, G1, L1, C1, P2, and X1. Explore our Interactive ASE study guide.
Use idle time to study for the ASEs. Study at appointments, waiting in line, or between TV commercials. This way, you can skip that commercial and gain some study time. A smartphone, laptop, or a good hardback study guide comes in handy. This study guide works great on lots of differen...
This study guide helps you prepare for the Deploying HP FlexNetwork Core Technologies (HP0-Y47) certification exam. Organized along the lines of exam objectives, chapters can be studied independently when preparing for the HP ASE FlexNetwork Solutions Integrator certification. To pass the exam, you...
ASE Releases New Guide to Performing Comprehensive Transthoracic Echo Exams January 21, 2019 – Medical experts have released “Guidelines for Performing a Comprehensive Transthoracic ... January 21, 2019 News|Cardiovascular Ultrasound EchoMD AutoEF Software Improves Variability in Ejection Fraction Estimatio...
L302 is located in the middle of helix a2, and the local hydrophobic interactions maintain the stability of a1 and a2, which are next to b1 strand in the active site (Fig. 5d). In addition, mutation to a proline, which often interrupts helical structures, further decreases the local ...
A list of resources used/generated in this study is provided as See Supplementary Table 2. Animals All experimental procedures were according to the guidelines of Laboratory Animal Manual of the National Institute of Health Guide to the Care and Use of Animals and were approved by the Johns Hopk...
In this study, based on the structural information of alkaline κ-carrageenase from Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis (WT) and with the aid of Disulfide by Design2 computational tool, two disulfide bond mutants of K44C-A119C and T120C-Q250C were identified with improved thermostability and enzymatic...
31 P9WGP5 Rv3240c secA1 Protein translocase subunit SecA 1 Essential 4.85 12.02 2L VLSKLLRLGEGRMVK RQGRGAKPPKSVKKR 32 P9WHF7 Rv3283 sseA Putative thiosulfate sulfurtransferase SseA 4.66 2.59 3L VPLPADPSPTLSAYA VPIVAGEEPGVVPVV 33 P9WJG3 Rv3583c carD RNA polymerase-binding transcription fact...