5. Set global version for a package: # asdf global name version 6. Set local version for a package: # asdf local name version Summary In summary, asdf is a command-line interface that simplifies the management of multiple versions of different packages. With its user-friendly CLI, plugin s...
single global config keeping defaults in one place single.tool-versionsconfig file per project support for existing config files.node-version,.nvmrc,.ruby-versionfor easy migration automatically switches runtime versions as you traverse your directories ...
asdf global python 3.6.2 2.7.13 Executables in the first version will take priority over the executables in the next one. Note that you can use an arbitrary number over versions, if needed. With the above example,pythonwill therefore use thepythonexecutable found in version 3.6.2. However, ...
asdf plugin add mongosh https://github.com/itspngu/asdf-mongosh 蒙古语: # Show all installable versions asdf list-all mongosh # Install specific version asdf install mongosh latest # Set a version globally (on your ~/.tool-versions file) asdf global mongosh latest 请参阅,以获取随附工具...
asdf global <name> latest[:<version>] Set the package global version to the latest provided version asdf help <name> [<version>] Output documentation for plugin and tool asdf install Install all the package versions listed in the .tool-versions file asdf install <name> Install one to...
I have set the global Node version to the latest, which I can verify by running this: (base)➜~node-v v22.1.0 Shell If you want to use the Node version only in the current shell, run the following: #asdf shell <name> <version> [<version>...]asdf shell nodejs14.17.6asdf shell...
.NET SDK (reflecting any global.json): Version: 5.0.300Commit:2e0c8c940e Runtime Environment: OSName: arch OSVersion: OS Platform: Linux RID: arch-x64 BasePath: /home/caneladeouro/.asdf/installs/dotnet-core/5.0.300/sdk/5.0.300/ ...
6. Set a Version asdfperforms a version lookup of a tool in all.tool-versionsfiles from the current working directory up to the$HOMEdirectory. The lookup occurs just-in-time when you execute a tool thatasdfmanages. WARNING Without a version listed for a tool execution of the tool will...
阿特拉斯ATLAS空压机的通讯设置软件。 The Modbus COM2 can be programmed through the Service package 全名为:Download File Management for Windows
asdf global idea latest # Set global version of JetBrains IDEA idea # Run JetBrains IDEA JetBrains products: idea - IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate ideac - IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition pycharm - PyCharm Professional Edition pycharmc - PyCharm Community Edition clion - CLion clion - CLion datagrip -...