Byline: by DIDI DANSO and CAROLINE COOKThe Mirror (London, England)
Asda于1996年设立Tickled Pink奖来为乳腺癌患者筹集资金,在刚迎来的第15年,乳腺癌治疗中心和和乳腺癌研发中心两个慈善机构因Asda的Tickled pink奖收益。到目前为止,Asda已经筹集了超过2500万镑的资金。 Asda捐助Tommy‘s超过了10年的时间,这个项目主要是为了帮助那些怀孕期的妇女和新生儿,给他们提供免费的信息和资料。
It is a part of the Ethical Trading Initiative and works towards better conditions for workers. The company supports charities like Children in Need, Tickled Pink, Fields in Trust, and ASDA Foundation. ASDA was declared Innovative Employer of the Year Award for its commendable business initiatives ...