Using these tools, we had been able to approach the simplest medical procedures: sitting in the dental chair, opening the mouth, exploring oral cavity without and with tools such as mirror and explorer. Only at a later stage, we integrated increasingly complex tools and procedures. During the ...
The present study focused on the long-term, persistent transcriptomic and epigenetic changes that could underlie divergent social phenotypes and effects of subchronic oxytocin treatment. In lieu of this focus, perfusion, brain dissection, and tissue collection were performed one day after completion of ...
others socially, etc. These are all joint behaviors, meaning more than one participant; i.e. to tell us he’s hungry, Fox will bring us a box of graham crackers from the pantry. He must bring us the graham crackers and point to them to tell us he is hungry and would like a ...
While it was previously considered a stand-alone diagnosis (separate from autism itself or another kind of autism previously known as “pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified,” or PDD-NOS) Asperger’s Syndrome now falls under the umbrella term Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), in ...
Classical metabolomic and new metabolic network methods were used to study the developmental features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in newborns (n = 205) and 5-year-old children (n = 53). Eighty percent of the metabolic impact in ASD was
(Baron-Cohen et al.1997; Castelli et al.2002; Jolliffe and Baron-Cohen1999; Kana et al.2014; Senju et al.2009). ASD is a term used by the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to describe a number of neurodevelopmental disorders ...
(e.g., school, church, community activities, etc.). Fatigue takes on a new meaning, and having social interaction outside the home is so far on the back-burner it is hard to remember what it was like to “have a life.” Nonetheless, it is important to carve-out some time in your...
I have been meaning for a while to respond to your last set of messages. Honestly, they got me down a little bit. Martin is still not as far along as [my friend’s recovering son], but in many areas it feels like we are getting so close to typical, and I have faith that we wi...
children with ASD, and the previously demonstrated efficacy of adapted judo programs in this type of population, led to the adoption of the main objective of this study, which is to assess the effects of a long-term adapted judo program on the health-related physical fitness of children with...
1,†, Ana Carolina Tahira 1,2,†, Vinícius Daguano Gastaldi 1, Paula Mari 1, Joana Portolese 1, Ana Cecilia Feio dos Santos 1,3, Bianca Lisboa 1, Jair Mari 4, Sheila C. Caetano 4, Décio Brunoni 5, Daniela Bordini 4, ...