ascriptive是什么意思 音标: 英 [ə'skriptiv] a. 可归因于…的; 涉及原因(或责任)归属问题的 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词ascriptive的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。 强烈推荐 名师教学:语文英语其它 教育部资源中心制作的优秀精品课程...
ascriptive ascriptive 美 英 网络归属性;归属性的 考试词汇表
The meaning of ASCRIPTIVE is relating to, marked by, or involving ascription.
He believes we have an ascriptive urge to blame poverty on individual laziness.She makes a distinction between a robust account or an ascriptive account of character.ascriptive predicative 归属性表语:例句:Reuben Roberts was not only a good man and a good neighbor, which he surely was, he ...
ascriptive [ ascription ]的相关形容词 最新单词 Bryopsidaceae怎么翻译及发音 羽藻科 Bryopsida怎么翻译及发音 藓纲; 藓纲 bryophyte是什么意思 n. 苔藓类的植物 Bryophyta的意思 苔癣植物门; 苔藓植物门 bryony的中文意思 n. 葫芦科的一种蔓草 bryology的意思 n. 苔藓学 brygmus什么意思及同义词 咬...
In the final chapter, he describes the deplorable situation in his country created by “ascriptive rights”: rights that “just depend on being able to assert that one belongs to a group or part of the country to be able to lay claim to positions of authority or power.” ...
曹荣禄老师用的英文术语是ascribing predicatives(归属性表语)和specifying predicatives(确认性表语)。 而赫德尔斯顿在《剑桥》P53认为: 出现在复合不及物(传统语法称之为主系表)结构中最常用的动词是be,但是有必要区分这种结构的两个子类型: 3a This is a good idea/fair. (ascriptive) 3b The only problem ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook ascriptive Thesaurus as·crip·tion (ə-skrĭp′shən) n. 1.The act of ascribing. 2.A statement that ascribes. [Latinascrīptiō, ascrīptiōn-,addendum, fromascrīptus, past participle ofascrībere,to ascribe; seeascribe.] ...
必应词典为您提供ascriptive的释义,网络释义: 归属性;归属性的;
社会角色可以细分为归属角色(ascriptive roles)和获得角色(achieved roles)。归属角色指因性别、年龄、婚姻、血缘等取得的理 …|基于4个网页 2. 归属性角色 ved Roles) 和“归属性角色”(Ascriptive Roles) 。社会成员经由文化的熏染或技能训练、个人的奋斗努力而在社会中有某种选择成 …www.lon...