ascp -h ascp 报错 ascp:private key file not found at path image.png 找个asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh 文件复制过去即可,可以用conda安装 cp /home/xulab1/software/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh /home/xulab1/.aspera/connect/etc/ 又出现了新问题 ascp: failed to authenticate, exiting.或者需要问我passwor...
Authenticate the transfer using public key authentication with the specified SSH private key file. The argument can be just the filename if the private key is located inuser_home_dir/.ssh/, becauseascpautomatically searches for key files there. Multiple private key files can be specified by repe...
-iprivate_key_file Authenticate the transfer by using public key authentication with the specified SSH private key file (specified with a full or relative path). The private key file is typically in the directory$HOME/.ssh/. If multiple-ioptions are specified, only the last one is used. ...
#遇错Session Stop (Error: Private key file not found at path ***).改进: ascp -QT -l 300m -P33001 -i C:/Users/Lenovo/AppData/Local/Programs/Aspera/Aspera Connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh ...