"ascp: no remote host specified" 错误信息表明在使用 ascp(一种用于在 ASCII 模式下安全复制文件的工具,通常与 ASCP(Advanced Secure Copy Protocol)或 Aspera Connect 一起使用)命令时,没有指定远程主机名或 IP 地址。 2. 可能的原因 命令格式错误:在使用 ascp 命令时,可能遗漏了远程主机名或 IP 地址。 配...
| 2 | 指定远程主机地址 | `ascp -k1 -QT -l40m -P33001 /local/file/path user@remote_host:/remote/file/path` | ### 步骤1: 检查远程主机地址 在ascp命令中,需要确保远程主机地址被正确指定。如果没有正确指定远程主机地址,就会出现“ascp: no remote host specified”错误。 ### 步骤2: 指定远程...
ascp: no remote host specified # 实现“ascp: no remote host specified”错误修复步骤 ## 1. 理解问题 在K8S中,当使用ascp命令时出现“ascp: no remote host specified”错误通常是由于未正确指定远程主机地址所致。ascp是Aspera命令行工具,用于在K8S环境中进行文件传输。 ## 2. 解决步骤 为了解决这个问题,我...
#遇错ascp.exe: no remote host specified Startup failed, exit.改进: C:/Users/Lenovo/AppData/Local/Programs/Aspera/Aspera Connect/bin/ascp -QT -l 300m -P33001 -i C:/Users/Lenovo/AppData/Local/Programs/Aspera/Aspera Connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh era-fasp@fasp.sra.ebi.ac.uk:vol...
ascpoptions[[username@]src_host:]source1[source2...] [[username@]dest_host:]dest_path username The username of the Aspera transfer user can be specified as part of the source or destination, whichever is the remote server. It can also be specified with the--useroption. If you do not ...
ascp4options[[user@]srcHost:]source_file1[,source_file2,...] [[user@]destHost:]dest_path User The username of the Aspera transfer user can be specified as part of the as part of the source or destination, whichever is the remote server or with the--useroption. If you do not spec...
Transfer random data (no source storage required) Transfer 20 GB of random data as userrootto filenewfilein the directory/remote-diron #ascp --mode=send --user=root --host= faux:///newfile?20g /remote-dir Transfer a file but do not save results to disk (no destin...
#ascp --mode=send --user=root --host= faux:///newfile?20g /remote-dir Transfer a file but do not save results to disk (no destination storage required) Transfer the file/tmp/sampleas userrootto, but do not save results to disk: ...
$ascp --mode=send --user=root --host= faux:///newfile?20g /remote-dir Transfer a file but do not save results to disk (no destination storage required) Transfer the file /tmp/sample as user root to, but do not save results to disk: $ascp --mode=send --user=...