causesofdiscrepanttestresults(patientandlaboratory),deviationsoftestresults,andethics includingresultconfidentiality.Thetechnologistcorrelatesabnormallaboratorydatawithpathologicstates, determinesvalidityoftestresults,andneedforadditionaltests.Thetechnologistunderstandsandenforces regulatoryrequirements,safetyregulations,uses...
Ethics approval The University of Pennsylvania’s IRB approved this research. Data collection We conducted the interviews by telephone, videoconference, and in-person, depending on participant preference. Interview length ranged from 45–90 min. RAH, MK, JC, and DSM designed the interview guides....
Ethics declarations Ethics approval and consent to participate This study, including all procedures and consent materials, was approved by the IRBs of the University of Southern California (HS-22–00006), Makerere University School of Public Health in Uganda (SPH-2021–178) and the Uganda National...
The “72-hour rule” (Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1306.07(b)) provides an important exception to the requirement that methadone for OUD only be provided outpatient in licensed and certified OTPs. This exception allows physicians who are not registered as an OTP to administer “...
Unhealthy alcohol use includes the spectrum of alcohol consumption from risky drinking to alcohol use disorders. Routine alcohol screening, brief intervention (BI) and referral to treatment (RT) are commonly endorsed for improving the identification and