ascomycota子囊菌门(Ascomycota)是真菌界中物种多样性最丰富、生态功能最广泛的类群之一,其显著特征为有性生殖阶段形成子囊结构。该门真菌在自然界中分布广泛,参与碳循环、生物防治、工业生产和医学应用等多个领域,具有重要的科学研究和实用价值。 分类与命名 子囊菌门根据形态和分子生物学特征划...
Ascomycota中文翻译 子囊菌门 Ascomycota是什么意思网络解释 子囊菌类; 子囊菌纲; 子囊菌门真菌 词组短语 1.PhylumAscomycota子囊菌门 2.Ascomycotaa子囊菌门 3.anamorphicascomycota无性型子囊菌 4.taxa ofascomycota子囊菌 用法例句 1. There are three main phyla of Fungi, based on the nature of their...
Ascomycota 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 充满幻想的理想主义者,充满活力,充满活力的,充满激情的,充满激情的讲话,充满激情的演说,充满激情地,充满困难的,充满困难的工作,充满牢骚的话, 相似单词 (h)yponomeute,(s)chelem,“分灶吃饭”, 用户正在搜索 充满污泥的,充满喜悦,充满阳光,充满淤泥,充满淤泥的,充满怨恨的...
The fungi that constitute the Ascomycota undergo meiosis after the formation of a short-lived zygote and produce meiospores by free-cell formation within a meiosporangium termed the ascus. They exhibit bipolar sexual compatibility. They have a two-layered cell wall that with transmission electron ...
名词 子囊菌门 英语解释 a large subdivision of Eumycota including Hemiascomycetes and Plectomycetes and Pyrenomycetes and Discomycetes; sac fungi; in some classification systems considered a division of the kingdom Fungi 相似短语 subdivision ascomycotaphr. 子囊菌门 ...
Browse Nearby Entries Ascomycetes Ascomycota Ascomycotina See all Nearby Words Cite this Entry Style “Ascomycota.” Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 27 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation ...
order Tuberales,Tuberales- small order of fungi belonging to the subdivision Ascomycota having closed underground ascocarps division Eumycota,Eumycota- true fungi; eukaryotic heterotrophic walled organisms; distinguished from Myxomycota (funguslike slime molds): comprises subdivisions Mastigomycotina; Zygo...
Ascomycota TheAscomycota(sac fungi) is the largest group of extant Fungi, with ~65,000 described species that thrive as saprotrophs, parasites of plants, animals, and other fungi, and those forming symbiotic associations in lichens (see below); Ascomycota also form mycorrhizal relationships with ...
Dictionary Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Ascomycota:Basidiomycota,Deuteromycota Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> Pyrenomycetes class Pyrenom... Plectomycetes class Plectom...
植物名: Ascomycota Photo By Jennifer Rycenga , used under CC-BY-4.0 /Cropped and compressed from original 子囊菌門的物種 Dothideomycetes 糞殼菌綱 茶漬綱 星裂菌綱 Leotiomycetes Eurotiomycetes Taphrinomycetes 盤菌綱 Photo By Jennifer Rycenga , used under CC-BY-4.0 /...