Dear Statalist, I have done an asclogit and a mixlogit. What does it means that mixlogit coefficients are bigger than asclogit ones? And is there a command to evaluate the preference and have the coefficient for a product that is both bio and origine and trasport? Thank you for your ...
Hi I am using Stata MP 12.1. 1.I use an alternative specific conditional logit choice model with the following command. asclogit achoice ratio_simulcast buyer_distance supply meanpv price_variability, case(caseid) alternatives(auction_code) There are about 115962 cases with an average of 9 ...
Themodel does not converge when the parameters are kept. Many thanks! Nils. * * For searches and help try: *** Subjectst: asclogit alternative has replicate levels for one or more cases DateThu, 9 May 2013 12:06:02 -0400 Dear All, I have encountered some problem when I use the asclogit command to estimate a model. In my model, I employed a sub-choice set (10...