Ascites as an early sign of peritoneal involvement in a patient with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosisA rare case of a 47-year man with retroperitoneal fibrosis is presented. The disease have an untypical clinical picture. The major signs were hydronephrosis and ascites related to the involvement ...
Ascites is usually a sign of severe liver disease and must be clearly distinguished from other reasons for abdominal distention. How Do I Know If I Have It? Ascites may be asymptomatic (having no symptoms) or a person may complain of increased abdominal width, becoming full quickly upon eating...
Ascites (peritoneal cavity fluid) is a pathological sign occurring as a result of accumulation of exudate or transudate fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The most frequent causes of the development of ascites are: cirrhosis (approx. 80%), cancer (10%), other liver diseases which take the cours...
Ascites is a serious condition. It's a sign that your liver isn't working well. You need this important organ to remove waste from your blood. Ascites can be life-threatening if you don't treat it and your liver fails. Then, you'll need a liver transplant to replace your damaged orga...
tumour resection is known as Meigs' syndrome. It usually occurs in elderly females. It was first emphasized by Meigs and Cass in 1937(4,5). The importance of Meigs' syndrome is that the presence of ascites and pleural effusion does not necessarily indicate that a pelvic mass is malignant. ...
Ascites due to cirrhosis usually is a sign of advanced liver disease and it usually has a fair prognosis. Ascites due to heart failure have a better prognosis as the patient may live years with appropriate treatments. What are the complications of ascites? Some complications of ascites can be ...
s lining of its abdomen, can become irritated and releases extra fluid, which causes the swelling. Any time a cat is physically abused or has been in an accident it can suffer from these issues. Seeing swelling is a sign that the cat should be seen by a veterinarian to determine the ...
Ascites is a build-up of fluid in the abdomen. Advanced ascites can be a sign of serious medical conditions, including...
Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity (space that separates the organs in abdominal cavity from the abdominal wall). Ascites is a complicated result from an underlying condition such as liver disease, kidney disease and cancer. This is an unwanted sign for patients who ha...
•Itisanormal,lubricatingfluidfoundin theperitonealcavity.•Thefluidismostlywaterwithelectrolytes,antibodies,whitebloodcells,albumin,glucoseandotherbiochemicals.•Reducethefrictionbetweentheabdominalorgansastheymovearoundduringdigestion.PatientwithAscites Etiologyofascites MostCommoncauses(90%ofcases):• PortalHTN...