This page implements a Javascript Ajax converter that calls the API to convert a unicode string/text to ASCII number array (hexadecimal, binary, decimal, octal). Input Unicode-String/Text (Typing and Get the Result Immediately [WYSIWYG] via Ajax API calls)Unicode-String-to-ASCII Converter! 你好!
Incredibly simple, free and fast browser-based utility for converting text to ASCII art. Just paste your text in the input area and you will instantly get ASCII art.
JavaScript AsciiMath to LaTeX converter latexasciimath UpdatedApr 19, 2022 TypeScript Node.js-based Pandoc filters for converting asciimathml into TeX latexpandocpandoc-filterasciimath UpdatedDec 15, 2019 JavaScript student notes for maths, computer science & physics ...
JavaScript A Hello-World Ansible role to demonstrate the power of Molecule ansiblevagrantec2moleculeradasciicastansible-rolesmolecule-demo UpdatedJan 24, 2023 Python Calculate Pi using the Leibniz formula. javaasciicastlanguage-javaleibniz-formulacalculate-pi ...
= 61 等于号(equals-to) > 62 大于号(greater-than) ? 63 问号(question mark) @ 64 @ 符号(at sign) A 65 大写字母 A B 66 大写字母 B C 67 大写字母 C D 68 大写字母 D E 69 大写字母 E F 70 大写字母 F G 71 大写字母 G H 72 大写字母 H I 73 大写字母 I J 74 大写字母 J K...
All conversions and calculations are done in your browser using JavaScript. We don't send a single bit about your input data to our servers. There is no server-side processing at all. We use Google Analytics and StatCounter for site usage analytics. Your IP address is saved on our web ser...
text+=ch; }returntext; }//ASCII to HexfunctiontoHex(str) {varvalueStr =str;varhexChars = "0123456789abcdef";vartext = "";for( i=0; i<valueStr.length; i++) {varoneChar =valueStr.charAt(i);varasciiValue = symbols.indexOf(oneChar) + 32;varindex1 = asciiValue % 16;varindex2 ...
Explorer 6+MathPlayer ( add the next line to your (X)HTML page with this file in the same folder: This is a convenient and inexpensive solution for authoring MathML.If MathML is not available on the client server, this ...
JSON.parse()JSON 通常用于与服务器端交换数据,在接收服务器数据时 一般是字符串,我们可以使用 JSON.parse() 方法将数据转换为 JavaScript 对象。 JSON.parse(text,[,reviver])text:必需, 一个有效的 JSON 字符串。reviver: 可选,一个转换结果的函数, 将为对象的每个成员调用此函数。