Almost identical to the _a conversion string except that it is only performed once, when all of the input data has been processed. _c Output characters in the default character set. Non-printing characters are displayed in three-character, zero-padded octal, except for those representable by ...
Trying to use qutebrowser after it’s been deleted/moved on disk (e.g. after a Python upgrade) should now not crash anymore. When the QtWebEngine resources dir couldn’t be found, qutebrowser now doesn’t crash anymore (but QtWebEngine still might). Fixed a rare crash in the completion...
Some web pages jumping to the top when the statusbar is hidden or (with v3.0.x) when a prompt is hidden. Compatibility with PDF.js v4 Added an elaborate workaround for a bug in QtWebEngine 6.6.0 causing crashes on Google Mail/Meet/Chat, and a bug in QtWebEngine 6.5.0/.1/.2 ...