ASCII Table ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Computers can only understand numbers, so an ASCII code is the numerical representation of a character such as 'a' or '@' or an action of some sort. ASCII was developed a long time ago and ...
031 037 01F 00011111 US (Unit Separator) 032 040 020 00100000 SP (Space) 033 041 021 00100001 ! (exclamation mark) 034 042 022 00100010 " (double quote) 035 043 023 00100011 # (number sign) 036 044 024 00100100 $ (dollar sign) 037 045 025 00100101 % (percent) 038 046 026 00100110...
4.3 Detailed ASCII TABLE [Extended Characters 1] 4.4 Detailed ASCII TABLE [Extended Characters 2] 后续 1、ASCII码的简介 ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美国信息互换标准代码)是一套基于拉丁字母的字符编码,共收录了 128 个字符,用一...
031 037 01F US (Unit Separator) 032 040 020 SP (Space) 033 041 021 ! (exclamation mark) 034 042 022 (double quote) 035 043 023 # (number sign) 036 044 024 $ (dollar sign) 037 045 025 % (percent) 038 046 026 (ampersand) 039 047 027 (single quote) 040 050 028 ( (left/...
ASCII table and description ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Computers can only understand numbers, so an ASCII co
032 040 020 00100000 SP (Space) 033 041 021 00100001 ! (exclamation mark) 034 042 022 00100010 " (double quote) 035 043 023 00100011 # (number sign) 036 044 024 00100100 $ (dollar sign) 037 045 025 00100101 % (percent) 038 046 026 00100110 & (ampersand) 039 047 027 00100111 ' (...
032 040 020 00100000 SP (Space) 033 041 021 00100001 ! (exclamation mark) 034 042 022 00100010 " (double quote) 035 043 023 00100011 # (number sign) 036 044 024 00100100 $ (dollar sign) 037 045 025 00100101 % (percent) 038 046 026 00100110 & (ampersand) ...
3220(Space)Space 3321|| 3422`` 3523## 3624$ 3725% 3826& 3927‘ 4028( 4129) 422A* 432B+ 442C, 452D- 462E. 472F/ 48300 49311 50322 51333 52344 53355 54366 55377 56388 57399 583A: 593B; 603C< 613D= 623E> 633F? 6440@ 6541A ...
032 040 020 00100000 SP (Space) 033 041 021 00100001 ! (exclamation mark) 034 042 022 00100010 " (double quote) 035 043 023 00100011 # (number sign) 036 044 024 00100100 $ (dollar sign) 037 045 025 00100101 % (percent) 038 046 026 00100110 & (ampersand) ...