Every ASCII character has an equivalent number, often used in programming languages such as Python.The first 32 ASCII characters (0-31) and 127 (DEL) are actually commands historically used to control the teleprinter, such as the well known carriage return (13) and line feed (10). For ...
Control codes - converting to ASCII, hex or decimal Ascii Table - ASCII character codes and html, octal, hex and decimal chart conversion
# 43 35 23 Cross hatch (number sign) $ 44 36 24 Dollar sign % 45 37 25 Percent sign & 46 38 26 Ampersand ` 47 39 27 Closing single quote (apostrophe) ( 50 40 28 Opening parentheses ) 51 41 29 Closing parentheses * 52 42 2a Asterisk (star, multiply) + 53 43 2b Plus , 54 ...
ASCII printable characters (character code 32-127) DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTML Number HTML Name Description 32 040 20 00100000 Space 33 041 21 00100001 ! ! Exclamation mark 34 042 22 00100010 " " " Double quotes (or speech marks) 35 043 23 00100011 # # Num...
ASCII码即美国标准信息交换码(AmericanStandardCode forInformationInterchange),计算机只能理解数字,因此一个ASCII码就是一个字符, 如:'a' 或 '@' 的数字表现形式,也可表示某种动作。ASCII码出现较早,非打印字符的使用也不再出于最初的目的。以下是ASCII码字符表,其中包括对前32个非打印字符的描述。当初设计ASCII码...
ascii 码对照表(ASCII code comparison table) The number 0 - 31 on the ASCII table is assigned to the control character to control some peripherals such as printers. For example, 12 page / new page function. This command instructs the printer to skip to the beginning of the next page. ASC...
1、1. ASCII码字符表 ASCII码即美国标准信息交换码(American Standard Code for Information Interchange),计算机只能理解数字,因此一个ASCII码就是一个字符, 如:'a' 或 '' 的数字表现形式,也可表示某种动作。ASCII码出现较早,非打印字符的使用也不再出于最初的目的。以下是ASCII码字符表,其中包括对前32个非...
ascii码对照表(ASCIIcodecomparisontable) Thenumber0-31ontheASCIItableisassignedtothecontrol charactertocontrolsomeperipheralssuchasprinters.For example,12page/newpagefunction.Thiscommandinstructs theprintertoskiptothebeginningofthenextpage. ASCIInonprintcontrolcharactertable Decimalsixteendecimalcharacterdecimal...
number sign 036 044 024 00100100 dollar sign 037 045 025 00100101 percent 038 046 026 00100110 semi colon 060 074 03C 00111100 greater than 063 077 03F 00111111 question mark 064 100 040 01000000 AT symbol 065 101 041 01000001 A 066 102 042 01000010 B 067 103 043 01000011 C 068 104 044...
在Oracle中,ASCII( single_character )函数可以返回代表指定字符的数字值代码 参数single_character:指定的字符来检索NUMBER代码。 如果输入多个字符,则ASCII函数将返回第一个字符的值,并忽略第一个字符后的所有字符。 返回值:ASCII函数返回一个数值。 selectASCII('T')fromdual ...