ASCII 全称 "American Standard Code for Information Interchange",即美国信息交换标准编码。它是在 60 年代早期作为计算机和电子设备的标准字符集被设计的。ASCII 是一种 7 位字符集,包含了 128 个字符。支持0-9 数字,大/小写英文字母(a-z、A-Z)和一些特殊的字符。
numbers, and other characters in the 256 slots available in the 8-bit code. The ASCII decimal (Dec) number is created from binary, which is the language of all computers....
ASCII码表 ASCII码表 Text only语言: Ascii码表(全)ASCII T able (7-bit)(ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
the alphabet, the digits 0 through 9, and punctuation marks. For example, the capital letter A is coded as 65. (In the binary number system used by computers, 65 is written 1000001.) By standardizing the code used in representing written text, ASCII enables computers to exchange information...
2) ph to_ascii(text [, encoding]) text把文本从其它编码转换为ASCII.[a] to_ascii('Karel') Karel to_hex(number integer或者bigint) text把number转换成其对应地十六进制表现形式。to_hex(9223372036854775807) 7fffffffffffffff translate(string text, from text, to text) text把在string中包含的任何匹配...
"SPACE"]# 填充表格的内容foriinrange(0,NUM):j=int(i/ROW)JJ=j*5II=i+1-int(j*ROW)data[II][0+JJ]=str(i)data[II][1+JJ]=bin(i)[2:].rjust(8,'0')data[II][2+JJ]=oct(i)[2:].rjust(3,'0')data[II][3+JJ]=hex(i)[2:].rjust(2,'0').upper()# Chartry:ifi==127...
American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美国标准信息交换代码 ASCII码表完整版 ASCII值 控制字符 ASCII值 控制字符 ASCII值 控制字符 ASCII值 控制字符 0 NUT 32 (space) 64 @ 96 、1 SOH 33 !65 A 97 a 2 STX 34 ”66 B 98 b 3 ETX 35 # 67 C 99 c 4 EOT 36 $ 68 D 100 d ...
The ASCII control characters (range 00-31, plus 127) were designed to control hardware devices. Control characters (except horizontal tab, line feed, and carriage return) have nothing to do inside an HTML document. CharNumberDescription