romanization systems. Symbolic characters are converted based on their meaning or appearance. All ASCII characters in the input are left unchanged, every other character is replaced with printable ASCII characters. Unknown characters and some known characters are replaced with an empty string and ...
Delete: This character is used primarily to "erase" or "obliterate" erroneous or unwanted characters in perforated tape. static byteDLE Data Link Escape: A communication control character which will change the meaning of a limited number of contiguously following characters. static byteEM End of ...
* Shift In: A control character indicating that the code combinations which follow shall be * interpreted according to the standard code table. * * @since 8.0 */ public static final byte SI = 15; /** * Data Link Escape: A communication control character which will change the meaning of...
武汉开源建筑公司承揽了武昌洪山区沙湾小区的施工任务,2008年6月30日竣工。但是,建设单位却没有按照合同约定及时支付工程款。 如果仲裁委员会裁决建设单位支付武汉开源建筑公司工程款150万元,限于2008年9月1日之前结清,若届时建设单位不予支付,则承包商( )。
Decodes the string using the codec registered for encoding. encoding defaults to the default string encoding. errors may be given to set a different error handling scheme. The default is 'strict', meaning that encoding errors raise UnicodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and...
documents, ensuring that chunks are created with a keen understanding of the content's meaning and structure. By incorporating AI models into the chunking process, developers can create data segments that are primed for high-level AI tasks such as summarization, question answering, and knowledge ...
@ Encoding Encoding non-standard letters and characters into values that can be displayed e.g. in browsers URL Escape Code%40 Quoted-printable=40 Source Code C, C++, and Java"\u0040" CSS Code\0040 JavaScript"\u0040" Perl\x{0040} ...
Even the characters that are fairly regularly used in everyday writing -- such as the humble dash, parens, period, and question mark -- have radically different meaning in programming languages. This is all well and good, but you'll eventually have to read code out loud to another developer...
背景: 通过代码规范,修改了包名为全小写(修改了文件夹目录),但发现push后,git服务器的文件夹目录...
ASCII Table ASCIICharactersASCII ArtArticlesFAQFactsHistoryGlossaryCompare Resources UTF-8 (binary): UTF-160x043A UTF-320x0000043A HTML Entities forк The following HTML entities can be used to represent the cyrillic small letter ka in HTML ...