We may use to represent anASCIINEW- LINE character, but we may use d meaning a regular expression match of a single numeric digit. 我们可能用来表示一个ASCII换行字符,但也可以用d表示匹配一个数字的正则表达式。 GS? Group Separator? 组分隔符〖ASCII〗,群隙 ...
ASCII is a 7-bit character encoding scheme, meaning that each character is represented by 7 bits of information. However, most modern computers use 8-bit bytes, so ASCII is often represented using 8 bits instead of 7. ASCII is a fixed-length encoding scheme, which means that each character...
The meaning of it is as following: he just wants to get a simple (plain) text without any additional formatting as tabs, bold or underscoring. It's just about the raw format that can be read by any computer. It is pretty convenient because the person can import the file into his own...
science manufacturing industries sahara desert amazon river indian tribes mughal dynasty monuments of india list judiciary autocratic meaning fundamental rights of india union territories of india capitals of seven sisters of india most populated states in india biology microbiology ecology zoology ...
The nonce is a zero-based counter, meaning the first transaction has nonce 0. In this example, we have a transaction count of 40, meaning nonces 0 through 39 have been seen. The next transaction’s nonce will need to be 40. Your wallet will keep track of nonces for each address it ...
It is interesting that as many of these characters have completely lost their original context and meaning they have gained an entirely new purpose in writing code. For example 'pipe'|is used to chain a series of commands, and 'tilde'~means to flip the binary representation of a number. Ev...
Most of the time, the parent will be the "tip" of the main chain, meaning this new block extends the main chain. For example, the new block 277,316 has a reference to the hash of its parent block 277,315. Most nodes that receive 277,316 will already have block 277,315 as the ...
Aside: how come perfmon, just like xperfview/WPA, doesn’t document the meaning of its counters? These are counters with very precise meanings and even if the rough concept is obvious from the name, the subtleties (such as what counts as I/O) is not obvious and should be made explicit...
This compressed public key corresponds to the same private key, meaning it is generated from the same private key. However, it looks different from the uncompressed public key. More importantly, if we convert this compressed public key to a bitcoin address using the double-hash function (RIPEMD...
No one quite agrees on the exact definition of the term beyond its literal meaning ("a game likeRogue"). One way to define these games would be to say that roguelikes are randomized dungeon crawls with little or no story, where you're really fighting the dungeon as much as—if not mor...