控制字符(Control Characters): ASCII码从0至31(十进制),以及127(DEL),共33个字符被分配给控制字符,这些字符不直接表示可视的文本符号,而是用来控制诸如终端、打印机等设备的行为,如换行(LF)、回车(CR)、响铃(BEL)、删除等。 可打印字符(Printable Characters): 数字:从32(空格,Space)开始到47,包含了常见的10...
ASCII Printable Characters CharNumberDescription 0 - 31Control characters (see below) 32spaceTry it !33exclamation markTry it "34quotation markTry it #35number signTry it $36dollar signTry it %37percent signTry it &38ampersandTry it
15 017 0F 00001111 SI Shift In / X-Off (启用切换) 16 020 10 00010000 DLE Data Line Escape (数据链路转义) 17 021 11 00010001 DC1 Device Control 1 (设备控制1) 18 022 12 00010010 DC2 Device Control 2 (设备控制2) 19 023 13 00010011 DC3 ...
The 95 graphic ASCII characters, numbered 32 to 126 (decimal): 3、ASCII码的中文表格 前128个称为基本ASCII码,从二进制角度来看,它们的最高位bit[7]=0,只使用了低7位bit[6,0]来进行编码。 3.1 ASCII基本字符,0 - 127,共128个。
ASCII共定义了256个代码(从0-255),从0-32位为控制字符(ASCII control characters),从33-127位为可打印字符(ASCII printable characters)。从0-127是标准的ASCII编码,从128-255是扩展的ASCII编码。 引用网址:http://www./xhtml/ascii/ 标准ASCII代码中,最高位B7为奇偶校验位。 ASCII编码-控制字符ASCII编码 控制...
Function/Control Code/Character in ASCII Version: 2011-02-15 Author: green-waste (at) 163.com 【什么是Function Code功能码或Function Character功能字符】 ASCII 字符集,大家都知道吧,最基本的包含了128 个字符。其中前32 个,0-31 ,即0x00-0x1F ,都是不可见字符。这些字符,就叫做控制字符。
ASCII nonprinting control characters ASCII table numbers 0–31 are assigned for control characters used to control some peripheral devices such as printers. For example, 12 represents the form feed/new page function. This command instructs a printer to go to the top of t...
35、d MonthsHangul Compatibility JamoHangul JamoHangul SyllablesHiraganaIdeographic Description CharactersKanbunKangXi RadicalsKatakanaKatakana Phonetic ExtensionsSymbols and MiscellaneousArrowsSupplemental Arrows-ASupplemental Arrows-BBlock ElementsBox DrawingBraille PatternsByzantine Musical SymbolsCo 36、mbining Diacritic...
ascii码对照表(ASCIIcodecomparisontable) Thenumber0-31ontheASCIItableisassignedtothecontrol charactertocontrolsomeperipheralssuchasprinters.For example,12page/newpagefunction.Thiscommandinstructs theprintertoskiptothebeginningofthenextpage. ASCIInonprintcontrolcharactertable Decimalsixteendecimalcharacterdecimal...
15 017 0F 00001111 SI Shift In / X-Off (启用切换) 16 020 10 00010000 DLE Data Line Escape (数据链路转义) 17 021 11 00010001 DC1 Device Control 1 (设备控制1) 18 022 12 00010010 DC2 Device Control 2 (设备控制2) 19 023 13 00010011 DC3 ...