The reason for the \ in front of the Octal code for these characters is so that we can use them in regular expressions as shown here:<?PHP $output = mb_eregi_replace("\205", "...", $input); ?> You might find this necessary when converting data to UTF-8 or other multibyte ...
Code Blame 6013 lines (4796 loc) · 163 KB Raw Asciidoctor PDF Theming Guide The theming system is used to control the style of a PDF file generated by Asciidoctor PDF from AsciiDoc. This document describes how the theming system works, how to define a custom theme in YAML, and how ...
ASCII code 39 = ' ( Single quote or Apostrophe ) ASCII code 40 = ( ( round brackets or parentheses ) ASCII code 41 = ) ( round brackets or parentheses ) ASCII code 42 = * ( Asterisk ) ASCII code 43 = + ( Plus sign ) ASCII code 44 = , ( Comma ) ASCII code 45 = - ( Hyp...
Brackets & Braces You can easily mark your notation text as different types of brackets or braces. #import "@preview/ascii-ipa:2.0.0": * #phonetic("prʲɪˈvʲet") // [prʲɪˈvʲet] #phnt("prʲɪˈvʲet") // [prʲɪˈvʲet] #precise("prʲɪ...
123 7B 01111011 { Left curly bracket 124 7C 01111100 | Vertical line 125 7D 01111101 } Right curly brackets 126 7E 01111110 ~ 127 7F 01111111 DEL Delete DecimalHexadecimalBinarycharacterdescription 0 00 00000000 NUL No 1 01 00000001 SOH The beginning of th...
thing, which has been made out of apostrophes and brackets. since his first appearance in 2000, he has become a fixture on the bbs. many variations of mona exist, and users will attach versions depicting the appropriate emotions to their posts and comments. the character is often accompanied ...
But, if I were to write up a text file and send it to the Atari BBS so they could post it, it would not work. ASCII uses 13 (CR, carriage return) as a line ending, but ATASCII uses 155 (ATASCII CR). If I translated line endings, and avoided using things like ^, brackets (...
In the digital world however, it is more common to start numbering from 0 onwards, which is why in computer jargon, the bits of an 8-bit word (i.e. a byte) are commonly referred to as b0 to b7. Bit order on an 8-channel paper tape (old channel assignment shown in brackets) ...
0b00101001 051 41 0x29 ) ) - PARENTHESES OR ROUND BRACKETS, CLOSING PARENTHESES 右括号 0b00101010 052 42 0x2A * * - ASTERISK 星号 0b00101011 053 43 0x2B + + - PLUS SIGN 加号 0b00101100 054 44 0x2C , , - COMMA 逗号 0b00101101 055 45 0x2D - - - HYPHEN, MINUS SIGN 连...
Most printable characters are mapped to themselves except brackets([ and ]) and asterisk(*). They are mapped to start and stop characters. Non-printable characters (control characters) are mapped to character range of 0xC0-0xE0. By programming correctly you can enable applications to act based...