相应的是空格(Blank Space)键。 不须要加Ctrl键,就可以直接通过键盘上的空格键输入。 127=0x7F=删除(Delete)键;,除了能够用键盘上的删除键输入,也能够用'Ctrl+?'输入。 0– NUL – NULl 字符/空字符 ASCII字符集中的空字符,NULL,起初本意能够看作为NOP(中文意为空操作,就是啥都不做的意思),此位置能够忽...
32. 040 20 space or blank 33. 041 21 ! exclamation mark 34. 042 22 " double quote 35. 043 23 # number sign (hash mark) 36. 044 24 $ dollar sign 37. 045 25 % percent sign 38. 046 26 & ampersand sign 39. 047 27 ' single quote (apostrophe) 40. 050 28 ( left parenthesis ...
相应的是空格(Blank Space)键。 不须要加Ctrl键,就可以直接通过键盘上的空格键输入。 127=0x7F=删除(Delete)键;,除了能够用键盘上的删除键输入,也能够用'Ctrl+?'输入。 0– NUL – NULl 字符/空字符 ASCII字符集中的空字符,NULL,起初本意能够看作为NOP(中文意为空操作,就是啥都不做的意思),此位置能够忽...
Note: The space character (blank, Ascii code position 32) is not discussed here. It can be classified and processed as a graphic character, or as a control character, or both, depending on context. EOU: From FOLDOC. The mnemonic of a mythical ASCII control character (End Of User) that...
32 (Space): The first printable character, representing a blank space in text. 48–57 (0–9): The digits. 65–90 (A–Z)and97–122 (a–z): Represent uppercase and lowercase letters, respectively. Punctuation and Special Characters (33–47, 58–64, 91–96, 123–126): Include charact...
Here is the US-ASCII Character Set, starting with the ASCII character 32 (space/blank) and ending with the ASCII character #126 (tilde: ~). The space character is represented by the white block at the beginning. █! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...
blinking effect can be achieved by repeatedly displaying the blank (space) character for a period of time and then the actual character that is supposed to be in that location for a period of time. The user should be able to press the LEFT and RIGHT buttons to ...
127 (DEL): Originally designed to indicate the deletion of a character Printable Characters (32–126) Printable characters include letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few special symbols: 32 (Space): A blank space in the text. 33–47: Includes punctuation and symbols like !, ", #, ...
how to replace a character in SSMS how to replace blank or space with NULL values in a field How to replace first occurrence of word in TSQL? How to replace ID with name in the query How to replace In with Exists How to replace NULL with 0 in SELECT Statement How to replace placehold...
BS808010Backspace, works on HP terminals/computers HT909011Horizontal tab, move to next tab stop LF100a012Line Feed VT110b013Vertical tab FF120c014Form Feed, page eject CR130d015Carriage Return SO140e016Shift Out, alternate character set ...