计算机专业外语翻译216. ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode are examples of ___ A. two-state systems B. integrated circuits C. binary coding schemes D. adapter cards 17. ___ are specialized programs designed to allow input and output devices to communicate with a computer system. E. Utilities...
Decimal Number system ii Binary Number system iii Octal Number system iv Hexadecimal Number system6.State the sequence of operator precedence in Boolean expression i Parenthesis ii AND iii OR7.What is the abbreviation of ASCII and EBCDIC code ASCII- American Standard Code for Information Interchange...
汉字与ascii码区别ThedifferencebetweenChinesecharactersandASCII 系统标签: characterschinesecodedifferencecharacter区别 汉字与ascii码区别(ThedifferencebetweenChinesecharactersandASCIIcharacters)InordertoadapttotheneedofcomputerprocessingChinesecharactersinformation,in1981,ChinareleasedthebasicsetofChinesecharactersencodingcharacte...
> CP-1047 is the "EBCDIC Latin-1 character encoding". When you > said Latin-1, I suspect you really meant iso-8859-1, which indeed > has ASCII as its lower half.[/color] I did, and thanks for the adjustment. I'm trying really hard to stop mixing up character sets and encodings....
16. ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode are examples of ___A. two-state systems B. integrated circuits C. binary coding schemes D. adapter cards 17. ___ are specialized programs designed to allow input and output devices to communicate with a computer system.A. Utilities...