ASCII 只提供 128 個數值,其中 33 個是保留給特殊函數使用。 由IBM 為其大型主機設計的 EBCDIC (延伸二進位編碼十進位交換碼) 字集及許多相關聯字集使用 8 位元位元組。 它是在類似 ASCII 的時間開發的,共用一組相同的基本字元,並具有其他類似的內容。 與 ASCII 不同,拉丁文字母不會合併成兩個區塊 (大寫及...
ASCII provides only 128 numeric values, and 33 of those are reserved for special functions. The EBCDIC (Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code) character set and a number of associated character sets, designed by IBM for its mainframes, uses 8-bit bytes. It was developed at a similar...
ASCII character encoding is universally understood and accepted. It is also universally implemented in computing through the Unicode standard (except for IBM mainframe EBCDIC encoding). Compact character encoding. Standard codes can be expressed in 7 or 8 bits. This means data that can be expressed...
ebcdic-1970.code ebcdic-aug-1962.code ecma-1.code ecma-mar-1962-6.code ecma-mar-1962-7.code ecs.code eia.code fieldata-1960-06-21.code fixul german-apr-1962.code ibm-ancient iso-dec-63.code iso-june-1966.code iso-may-64.code kbd-aug-4-1961 kbd-baudot kb...
Windows NT and 2000 uses a newer code, Unicode. IBM's S/390 systems use a proprietary 8-bit code called EBCDIC. Conversion programs allow different operating systems to change a file from one code to another. ASCII was developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 23rd May...
Later-day standards that document ASCII include ISO-14962-1997 and ANSI-X3.4-1986(R1997). ASCII, pronounced "ask-key", is the common code for microcomputer equipment. The standard ASCII character set consists of 128 decimal numbers ranging from zero through 127 assigned to letters, numbers, ...
Although most computers do use ASCII, other formats like EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) are still used with IBM mainframes and some tape drives.Limitations of ASCIIOnly having the ability to support 256 characters is limiting for many languages and impossible for Asia ...
Code ConversionASCIIEBCDIC3270 Protocolhash TablesThe attachment of ASCII-based terminals to EBCDIC-based hosts that use the 3270 device communication protocol requires the controller responsible for protocol conversion (the "front-end processor") also to provide emulation for the supported devices. ...
were internally encoded in EBCDIC, however, so it is going to use ASCII internally (its default encoding) and get some very funny looking URL's. Note that the above is not a rhetorical situation. It is exactly how http servers and proxies are supposed to behave in the ...
RTTY operators (ham operators) have used various codes to transmit messages. These codes include BCD, EBCDIC, Morgan code, andBaudot code. However RTTY transmissions typically used the five-bit, 32 character Baudot code. Initially, RTTY did not use seven-bitASCII(American Standard Code for Inform...