ascetic monk苦行僧; 词组短语 苦行僧社团Straight-Edge Society 苦行僧般的monkish 天堂苦行僧Cenoqueue; Cenofish 双语例句 1. His thin, ascetic face mirrows an intensity of thought. 他那苦行僧似的瘦脸反映出他正在冥思苦索。 —— 辞典例句 2.
英[ə'setɪk] adj.禁欲主义的 n.苦行者 网络苦修者;苦行僧;工夫论 复数:ascetics 同义词 反义词 adj. austere,abstinent,frugal,abstemious,Spartan n. abstainer,celibate,puritan,penitent 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 禁欲主义者,苦行者 adj.
He converted to Catholicism and, after a long period of intense self-questioning, became a Trappist monk at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky, which, at the time, was as ascetic and demanding as any monastery of the Middle Ages. Julius Lester, Falling Pieces of the Broken Sky, 1990 Re...
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death and its prime role in monastic culture, especially through the lenses of the Life of Antony , the Desert Fathers, and the correspondence of Barsanuphius and John of Gaza, with regular references to Evagrius, Mark the Monk, and Pseudo-Macarius, as well as to other literary monastic....
as·cet·icə-ˈse-tik a- variantsor less commonlyascetical ə-ˈse-ti-kəl Synonyms ofascetic 1 :practicing strictself-denialas a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline anasceticmonk anasceticdiet 2 :austerein appearance, manner, or attitude ...
He converted to Catholicism and, after a long period of intense self-questioning, became a Trappist monk at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky, which, at the time, was as ascetic and demanding as any monastery of the Middle Ages. Julius Lester, Falling Pieces of the Broken Sky, 1990 Re...
1 :practicing strictself-denialas a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline anasceticmonk anasceticdiet 2 :austerein appearance, manner, or attitude asceticnoun ascetically ə-ˈse-ti-k(ə-)lē adverb Did you know?