Ascension 6 Level 80-90 Full Ascension Totals Venti with his lyre, probably playing the main theme. Anemo fans are in luck. Genshin Impact decided to run a Venti banner for the third time. As of Version 2.6, Venti is the only bow-wielding Anemo character in the game. His Elemental...
Farming all the materials for Mualani in Genshin Impact is a vital part of getting the character to level 90 and increasing her potential as a damage dealer. Mualani is a 5-star Hydro DPS who uses a catalyst in battle. The character the very first 5-star from the region of Natlan, ...
By leveling Xianyun and her Talents, you can unlock her full potential as a support unit in Genshin Impact. Here are the materials you need to farm.
Genshin Impact: the complete Eula guide Eula is a Cryo Vision bearing Claymore user. She gets an increase to CRIT DMG% as she Ascends. To Ascend Eula, you’ll need the following: Ascension 1- Lv 20 1 Shivada Jade Sliver 3 Dandelion Seed 3 Damaged Mask 20,000 Mora Ascension 2- Lv 4...
Genshin Impact: Everything You Need To Know About Wishing|Genshin Impact: Everything You Need to Get to Level 90|Genshin Impact: Everything You Need to Know About Constellations Unlike the other playable Inazuma characters, Kazuha’s Ascension materials were originally only found in the Golden ...
Genshin Impact Chasca level-up, Talent, & Ascension materials The information below is based on leaks from the Genshin Impact Version 5.2 beta. The update is still in development so there may be changes to Chasca's material requirements upon release. ...
All Arlecchino Talent Material (Abilities Level Up Materials): Talent Materials for Arlecchino Arlecchino Materials Farming Guide Some of Arlecchino’s Ascension materials can only be found in the new area in the Genshin Impact 4.6 version, but you can pre-farm the rest pretty easily. Here is ...
Genshin Impact is all set to get a new character Shikanoin Heizou in the upcoming 2.8 update and fans are wondering what is the best build.
Related:Genshin Impact: Pro Tips For Playing As Kamisato Ayato If you're one of the players lucky enough to have Ayato on your team, it will be important toAscend him as quickly as possibleso that he can fight at the same level as your longtime companions. Use this guide to efficiently...
Genshin Impact's renowned perfumer, Emilie, is a five-star Dendro character who wields a polearm. Whether you love her for her beautiful design or utility as a sub-DPS unit, here's everything you need to farm to max out Emilie's potential. ...