Related to ascending colon:descending colon as·cend·ing co·lon [TA] theportionofthecolonbetweentheileocecalorificeandtherightcolicflexure. Synonym(s):colon ascendens[TA] FarlexPartnerMedicalDictionary©Farlex2012 Thefirstsegmentofthecolon,whichbeginsintherightlowerquadrantoftheabdomenatthecaecumandendsa...
It most commonly involves the left side of the colon presenting with acute onset of abdominal pain followed by bloody diarrhea. Involvement of only the right or ascending colon is an infrequent occurrence. Because this problem is less recognized than its counterpart involving the left colon, the ...
fragile adhesions between the right abdominal wall and its anterior aspect, known as Jackson's membrane, may be present.1,4Below the right lobe of the liver, the ascending colon turns sharply to the left, medially and inferiorly, to form the hepatic flexure. The ascending colon is devoid ...
(coronary) —arteria (coronaria) descendente anterior izquierda;left (main) coronary —arteria coronaria (principal) izquierda;(superior, inferior) mesenteric —arteria mesentérica (superior, inferior);popliteal —arteria poplítea;radial —arteria radial;right coronary —arteria coronaria derecha;...
a common pathologic signature consistent with resected cutaneous mass and right colon was identified,suggesting skip metastasis of left cervical lymph nodes.The patient was then treated with eight courses of chemotherapy and under followup evaluations for 4 years;currently,no tumor recurrences or ...
(except for a portion of the duodenum), the cecum, the appendix, theascending colon, and the proximal two thirds of thetransverse colon. The third unpaired vessel is theinferior mesenteric artery. It arises just before the iliac bifurcation. The inferior mesenteric artery supplies the distal one...
Abdominal examination revealed distention and tenderness in the right iliac fossa. Abdominal computed tomography revealed ileus in the sac at the left side of the ascending colon and dilatation of the oral side of the intestine. We diagnosed a transmesocolic hernia of the ascending colon with ...
ascending colon ascending node ascending sequence ascending series ascending sort ascending vertical angle Ascension Ascension Day Ascension of a Celestial Body Ascension of Abdu'l-Baha Ascension of Baha'u'llah Ascension Parish Ascension, Long and Short Ascent Ascent From the Abstract to the Concrete ...
The first known report of a case of subcutaneous emphysema of the right groin secondary to a ruptured diverticulum of the ascending colon is presented. Presenting symptoms were acute onset right hip pain, mild anemia, and leucocytosis. Correct diagnosis was made at autopsy. Differential diagnosis ...
The regional colonic distribution of material has been shown to differ between healthy adults and those with UC where those with UC had a significantly lower percentage in the left side of the colon compared to controls [58]. The rapid transit observed in UC as a result of greater motility ...