When specified in typographic sizes (points, kyus), the height of an em-square, an invisible box which is typically a bit larger than the distance from the tallest ascender to the lowest descender, is scaled to equal the specified size. WikiMatrix “I am much better,” Dom insisted, as...
一是通过增加ascender的高度提高字母的易辨性。ascender和descender的存在本身就能很好的提高易辨性(因而小写字母比大写字母易读),在固定x height和cap height的情况下适当增加ascender height可以提高字母的可辨识度。我们都知道提高x height有利于提高易读性, 但x height提高到一定程度后如果ascender height...
Contrary to the common belief of Arabic language users that the Arabic writing system has descenders as an inherent quality, some historical examples demonstrate that there were some artistic attempts to create non-descender, all-cap cal... MA Yaghan - 《Al Masaq Islam & the Medieval Mediterrane...