For a long time I ignored the term when I heard it until I came across a divination card deck called the a[approximately]Ascended Masters Oracle Cards... - Those Who Have Left the Earthly Plane Are Still There to Watch out for Us; Ascended Masters Are Not Just for Those on a Spiritual...
Ascended Masters Sanat KumaraSanat Kumara was one of the greatest wise man to come to Earth. He lived in the Gobi Desert. Now he has returned to Venus and f ...
For a long time I ignored the term when I heard it until I came across a divination card deck called the a[approximately]Ascended Masters Oracle Cards'.I was surprised to learn that it is quite a simple concept. Basically, an a[approximately]ascended master' is someone who was alive o...
Ascended Masters LISA RENEE on “Genetic Clearing of 9D Tibetan Master Teachings” “Many people that have connected with theAscended Master Teachings in the New Age Movement were and are under the harmful influence of mind control manipulation from fallen entities,yet many of those individuals ...
Lord Krishna is very special to my heart. It is an amazing master who can be a spiritual guide and who can help you to find the blessings in your current life situation. Who is Lord Krishna? Krishna is a prominent and important deity in Hinduism. ...