If you're a Gemini and would like to know whether you have a Water, Air, Fire, or Earth sign as your Moon or Ascendant sign without using a birth chart.A "Moon sign" is the one related to how you feel, how you behave and act with the closest people in your life. An "Ascendant...
Check your zodiac sign below to find out the characteristics of your sign. You can also check your moon sign and your ascendant (rising sign).Aries Horoscopes21 March until 20 AprilSun * Moon * Ascendant Taurus Horoscopes21 April until 20, 21 May Sun * Moon * Ascendant...
What does my rising sign mean? Most of us know our own and our friends’ star signs aka sun signs. It’s how we all make passive aggressive judgments, while bigging ourselves up, via zodiac memes on Instagram, right? We also know what our moon signs are. But did you realise you als...
Each type of sign describes where that planet or luminary (that’s astro speak for the Sun and Moon, btw) was when you made your earthly debut. And then there’s your Rising sign, also called your Ascendant. This one describes which zodiac sign was ascending the eastern horizon at the ...
How to work out your rising sign - or ascendant sign - and what it means. Here is a rising sign calculator to help you figure it all out.