modelzoo / Issues #I3A4O4【线上模型挑战】NNMF NPU训练非常的慢aoe 创建于 超过3 年前问题现象: D=10, Dprime=80, hidden_units_per_layer=20参数越大训练越慢!大概就是比GPU慢了几十倍 gpu 1秒一个或多几个epoch npu十几秒到一分钟一个step 复现步骤: 具体源码修改 增加一个隐藏层 nnmf/utils....
log归档113服务器:/home/HwHiAiUser/jwx1055606/xrunfk-master/testcase/model_pt/ID1679_Faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN 日志提供方式: 将日志打包后作为附件上传。若日志大小超出附件限制,则可上传至外部网盘后提供链接。 获取方法请参考wiki:
这些数据集不属于ModelZoo,ModelZoo也不对其质量或维护负责。请确保您具有这些数据集的使用许可。基于这些数据集训练的模型仅可用于非商业研究和教育。 致数据集所有者: 如果您不希望您的数据集公布在ModelZoo上或希望更新ModelZoo中属于您的数据集,请在Github/Gitee提交issue,我们将根据您的issue删除或更新您的数据集...
Exception: [ERROR] Refer FAQ if a known issue: gitee repo: Ascend/ait, wiki [INFO] unload model success, model Id is 1 [INFO] end to reset device 0 [INFO] end to finalize acl 二、软件版本: -- CANN 版本 package_name=Ascend-cann-toolkit ...
To dataset owners: If you do not want your dataset to be included on ModelZoo, or wish to update it in any way, we will remove or update all public content upon your request. You can contact us with Github/Gitee issues. Your understanding and contribution to this community are greatly ...
项目: 运行ptuning中的train.sh脚本时报以下错误: 二、软件版本: -- CANN 版本 (e.g., CANN 3.0.x,5.x.x): CANN 6.3.RC1 --Tensorflow/Pytorch/MindSpore 版本: torch 1.11.0 --Torch_npu 版本:1.11.0...
Welcome to the Model Zoo for Ascend In order to facilitate developers to enjoy the benefits of Ascend ModelZoo, we will continue to add typical networks and some of the related pre-trained models. If you have needs for the modelzoo, you can file an issue ongiteeorModelZoo, We will consi...
wget pip install torch-2.1.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl 3、安装torch_npu插件 wget
21.0.3/pytorch-modelzoo 2.0.2 CANN 5.0.2 1.5.0.post2 2.0.2.tr5 21.0.2/pytorch-modelzoo 安装PyTorch环境依赖 执行如下命令安装。如果使用非root用户安装,需要在命令后加**--user**,例如:pip3 install pyyaml --user,pip3 install wheel --user。 pip3 install pyyaml pip3 install wheel...