Ascend Capital is based in San Francisco, California. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Ascend Capital's full profile.
Data-Driven At Ascend, we think outside the transaction to the people behind it, providing buy-side and sell-side advisory services to high-growth companies and institutional investors in the middle market. Be it clients, employees, or prospects, our team believes in humanizing investment banking...
Ascend Group 公司的上一轮融资是 2021 年 9 月完成的 1.5 亿美元 C 轮融资,由Charoen Pokphand Group领投,Ant Group(蚂蚁金服)和Bow Wave Capital Management跟投。次轮融资对Ascend Group估值为 15 亿美元,使 Ascend 赢得了独角兽地位。 这不仅是为了为其现有项目提供动力,而且还为其更深入地进入印度和巴基斯...
Ascend Capital Group Spearheads Strategic Acquisition of RecDesk by Clubessential Holdings The acquisition of RecDesk by Clubessential Holdings broadens Clubessential Holdings’ presence in the parks and recreation management space and enhances its comprehensive software portfolio. READ PRESS RELEASE Ascend...
We invest our own capital and take an active role to help scale your company Who we are Business starters and operators who have worked across Eastern and Western cultures. We’ve built networks and created strategies that we can leverage for our investments. Our commitment We are committed to...
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The UK’s largest manager of Build To Rent single-family homes. Having launched 100+ single-family home developments since 2018, we’re the perfect partner for your portfolio.
Ascend Capital Partners (亚盛投资) is a China-focused financial advisory firm committed to providing corporate finance services to top Chinese corporations as well as foreign multinationals seeking to establish or expand their presence in China. Use the
Hudson Structured Capital Management XYZ Ventures XYZ Ventures Charley Ma - 更多7 相关新闻 22021-09-15种子轮 550万美元 First Round Capital领投 First Round Capital BoxGroup BoxGroup FirstMark Capital FirstMark Capital Susa Ventures Susa Ventures ...
凯辉基金旗下全球医疗基金正式宣布完成对英国基因细胞治疗CDMO企业Ascend Gene & Cell Therapies(以下简称“Ascend”)的A轮投资。该轮融资总额达1.175亿美元,其他参与方包括Abingworth、Petrichor、Monograph Capital、DCVCbio、4BIO Capital、Deerfield Management、Digitalis Ventures、味之素等。与此同时,Ascend正式宣布...