AISC/ASCE Student Steel Bridge Competitionの地区大会にゲストチームとして参戦してい る.参戦5年目の本年は,2007年4月13日にUniversity of California,San Diegoで行われた米国内でも強豪の集まる Pacific Southwest Region 大会に参加した.ブリッジコン テストは,1m×15cm×15cm以内の部材を組み合わ...
The purpose of this document is to help students analyze and design their bridge models using Bentley's STAAD.Pro V8i and produce engineering layout drawings using Bentley Structural. This document does not teach how to compare advantages of various alternatives that...
As the relatively short specimens were loaded between rigid platens, the axial shortening strain in the steel and concrete were the same and hence the question is whether there is interaction in the radial direction. From strains measured on the surface of all the steel tubes, confinement of ...
Comments on the study 'Design of Circular Thin-Walled Concrete Filled Steel Tubes,' by Martin D. O'Shea and Russel Q. Bridge. Analysis of whether a complete interaction between the shell and the core exist through the full range of loading; Examination of whether the pattern of load sharing...