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item.attachments = [{url:data['pdfurl'], title:"AIAA PDF (first page)", mimeType:"application/pdf"}]; item.complete(); } } item.complete(); } function scrape(doc, url, dois) { var postUrl = '/action/downloadCitation'; var postBody = 'downloadFileName=citation&' + 'direct=true...
FIG. 7: Characteristic X-ray powder diffraction pattern of crystalline Example 69 free base FIG. 8: Characteristic Raman spectrum of crystalline Example 69 free base FIG. 9: Characteristic STA thermogram of crystalline Example 69 free base FIG. 10: Characteristic DSC thermogram of crystalline Examp...
Downloadkeyboard_arrow_down Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Seismic design of structures taking into account the soil-structure interaction (SSI) methods is considered to be more efficient, cost effective, and safer then fixed-base designs, in most cases. Finite element methods that use direct...
00 Motor Tuning Condition [0] Free [1] Lock Main Menu Page[3] Auto Tuning 3 A3-1 "Motor Tuning: 执行 (参考7.3章) 转到"7.4.3章速度或频率指令及数字量输入设定" 说明 设定V/F速度控制 电机未安装制动或自学习时制动可以脱开 (注意:需要电机处于空载状态) 电机安装制动自学习时制动无法脱开时 ③...