《FASB会计准则汇编》(Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification)按专题(Topic)分类如下所示:ASC Topic 105 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ASC专题105“一般公认会计原则”ASC Topic 205 Presentation of Financial Statements ASC专题205“财务报表列报”ASC Topic 210 Balance She...
980-605 Regulated Operations Retains a portion For guidance on recognizing a loss on longof the 980-605 term power sales contracts, see paragraph guidance 980-350-35-3. 985-605 Software Superseded
ASC Topic 215 Statement of Shareholder Equity ASC专题215“所有者权益变动表” ASC Topic 220 Income Statement - Reporting Comprehensive Income ASC专题220“利润表—报告全面收益” ASC Topic 225 Income Statement ASC专题225“利润表” ASC Topic 230 Statement of Cash Flows ASC专题230“现金流量表” ASC To...
099 980 747 669 603 DEAL DRIVERS – EMEA - TMT 32 telecoms, media & technology Mix of deals by geographic region UK & Ireland Germanic France Italy Iberia Benelux Nordic Central & Eastern Europe Other Value 26.3% 0.2% 32.1% volume 12.5% 2.4% 6.1% 12.3% 1.0% 3.1% 4.4% 14.5% 16.7% ...