《FASB会计准则汇编》(Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification)按专题(Topic)分类如下所示:ASC Topic 105 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ASC专题105“一般公认会计原则”ASC Topic 205 Presentation of Financial Statements ASC专题205“财务报表列报”ASC Topic 210 Balance She...
210 Ò 222 Þ 234 ê 246 ö 211 Ó 223 ß 235 ë 247 ÷ 212 Ô 224 à 236 ì 248 ø 213 Õ 225 á 237 í 249 ù 214 Ö 226 â 238 î 250 ú 215 ⊙ 227 ã 239 ï 251 û 216 Ø 228 ä 240 ð 252 ü 217 Ù 229 å 241 ñ...
The ASC 210, Balance Sheet, is divided into two subtopics ASC 210, Overall, which focuses on the presentation of the balance sheet, and the ASC 210, Offsetting, which offers guidance on offsetting amounts for certain contracts and repurchase agreements accounted for as collateralized borrowings and...
ASC 210 — Balance Sheet ASC 215 — Statement of Shareholder Equity ASC 220 — Comprehensive Income ASC 225 — Income Statement ASC 230 — Statement of Cash Flows ASC 235 — Notes to Financial Statements ASC 250 — Accounting Changes and Error Corrections ...
ASCII 码使用指定的 7 位或 8 位二进制数组合来表示 128 或 256 种可能的字符。标准 ASCII 码也叫基础ASCII码,使用 7 位二进制数来表示所有的大写和小写字母、数字 0 到 9、标点符号, 以及在美式英语中使用的特殊控制字符。其中: 0~31及127(共33个)是控制字符或通信专用字符(其余为可显示字符),如控制...
Part Number: CT60-L1N-ASC210F Screen Resolution: 1280 x 720 Limited Warranty: 1 Year Standard Memory: 3 GB Weight (Approximate): 12.35 oz Operating System: Android 7.1. 1 Nougat Connectivity Technology: Wireless Screen Size: 4.7 Operating System: Android 7.1. ...
keycode 9 = Tab Tab keycode 10 = keycode 11 = keycode 12 = Clear keycode 13 = Enter keycode 14 = keycode 15 = keycode 16 = Shift_L keycode 17 = Control_L keycode 18 = Alt_L keycode 19 = Pause keycode 20 = Caps_Lock keycode 21 = ...
二位五通手扳阀4H210-08/4H310-10/4H410-15气动换向阀替代亚德客 气动开关ZDV-08气阀气缸开关自动往复阀调速控制阀二位五通换向阀 厦门科宇通科技有限公司第7年福建 厦门市同安区 主营产品:模块、传感器、阀门模块、传感器、阀门、电机。。。 公司简介:厦门科宇通科技有限公司是一家销售进口自动化设备配件,进口...