Bank NameASB BANK LIMITED AddressASB NORTH WHARF, 12 JELLICOE STREET CityAUCKLAND BranchINTERNATIONAL TRADE SERVICES Postcode1010 Country New Zealand ConnectionActive Money TransferSave on international fees by usingWise, which is 5x cheaper than banks. ...
Bank name ASB BANK LIMITED City AUCKLAND Country New Zealand ASB BANK LIMITED SWIFT Code Details A SWIFT/BIC is an 8-11 character code that identifies your country, city, bank, and branch. Bank code A-Z4 letters representing the bank. It usually looks like a shortened version of that bank...
If you think you've used the wrong SWIFT code to send money, you should get in contact with your bank right away. They may be able to cancel the transaction. If it's too late to cancel, you might have to contact the recipient yourself and request that they return your money. ...
The SWIFT code ASBBNZ2AMMD is applicable for the Auckland location in New Zealand. The first four characters of the SWIFT code, "ASBB", represent the bank name. The next two characters, "NZ", indicate the country New Zealand. The final two characters, "2A", specify the location ...
Deze codes worden gebruikt bij het overboeken van geld tussen banken, met name voor internationale overboekingen of SEPA-betalingen. Banken gebruiken deze codes ook om berichten uit te wisselen met elkaar. SWIFT: Kopiëren ASB BANK LIMITED ASBBBankcode NZLandcode 2ALocatiecode ITSFiliaalcode De...
Is a SWIFT code the same for all branches? Do I need an IBAN number as well? Disclaimer Wise has not carried out any enquiries on the legal standing of any of the banks and financial institutions listed. Wise does not take responsibility or have any liability to you or anyone for any ...
Hier findest du den BIC/SWIFT-Code für ASB BANK LIMITED in Neuseeland. Überprüfe den SWIFT-Code deiner Bank und erhalte alle Daten, die du für eine internationale Überweisung brauchst.