I don't care what you think.___ I am concerned what they did was wrong.( )A. As far asB. As long asC. As well asD. As often as
[题目]--- Are you the same weight as Tom? --- No, I am not Tom.A.as same heavy asB.as same as C.so heavy asD.the same heavy as
ASB今天上午公布了今年截至6月30日的12个月财政报告,其全年净利润为15.6亿纽币。 报告指出,利润较上年增长 6%,主要得益于利差扩大以及贷款和存款增长。 该银行首席执行官维多利亚·肖特(Vittoria Shortt)表示,这一结果反映了上半年银行业...
[题目]--- Are you the same weight as Tom? --- No, I am not Tom.A.as same heavy asB.as same as C.so heavy asD.the same heavy as