品种大类: 冷轧板卷 品名: 制桶用钢 牌号: ZT2 产地: 鞍钢 规格: 0.8*931*C 技术标准: Q/ASB 328-2022 库位: D10-4-9 仓库: 天津物产首钢钢材加工有限公司 存放地: 镀层种类: 质量等级: 现货1 捆包号: M4520270000B00 钢厂资源号: E2521418008 生产日期: 表面说明: AB 产线名称: 冷轧4#线...
E24C1490013 生产日期: 表面说明: AC 产线名称: 冷轧4#线 锌层重量代码描述: 上表面锌层重量: 0.0 下表面锌层重量: 0.0 资源说明: Z向性能: 家电板 PA属性描述: 冷轧*Q/ASB 321-2021*JD1*退火平整*无光泽(麻面)(Ra:0.6-1.9)*FC*PT.A*PW.A*300mg/m2*切边*PF.C*PS.A* *0.7-1.5*标准负轧公...
The 3M Powered Air Turbo PF-602E-ASB should not be used in the following conditions:• In atmospheres containing less than 19.5% oxygen • Confined spaces (lack of ventilation)• When the risk is considered to be Immediately Dangerous for Life or Health (IDLH)• Where the contaminant ...
13.High-speed trains travel at 300kilometers an hour,which is about normal trains.( ) A.four times the speed asB.the speed four times of C.four times as the speed ofD.four times the speed of 试题答案 在线课程 分析高铁每小时行驶三百公里,这速度大约是普通列车的四倍. ...
High-speed trains travel at 300 kilometers an hour.which is about normal trains.A.four times the speed asB.the speed four times ofC.four times as the speed ofD.four times the speed of
单项选择题 Come ()you can. A.as well as B.as long as C.as soon as D.as far as <上一题目录下一题> 热门试题 单项选择题 I()swimming in the river and I always ()to swim when I can. A.am liking;have gone B.am being liked;am going ...
E24B1493008 生产日期: 表面说明: AC 产线名称: 冷轧4#线 锌层重量代码描述: 上表面锌层重量: 0.0 下表面锌层重量: 0.0 资源说明: Z向性能: 家电板 PA属性描述: 冷轧*Q/ASB 321-2021*JD1*退火平整*无光泽(麻面)(Ra:0.6-1.9)*FC*PT.A*PW.A*300mg/m2*切边*PF.C*PS.A* *0.7-1.5*标...
AB 产线名称: 冷轧3#线 锌层重量代码描述: 上表面锌层重量: 0.0 下表面锌层重量: 0.0 资源说明: Z向性能: 普通碳素结构钢 PA属性描述: 冷轧钢卷*ATA B0L504*SPCC*退火平整* *无光泽(麻面)(Ra:0.8-1.5)*FB*PT.A*PW.A*300mg/m2*切边*PF.A*PS.A*0.6-1.9*标准负轧公差参考Q/ASB 321家电板...
E24A1551006 生产日期: 表面说明: AB 产线名称: 冷轧4#线 锌层重量代码描述: 上表面锌层重量: 0.0 下表面锌层重量: 0.0 资源说明: Z向性能: 制桶用钢 PA属性描述: 冷轧钢卷*Q/ASB 328-2022*ZT2*退火平整* *无光泽(麻面)(Ra:0.6-1.9)*FB*PT.A*PW.A*300mg/m2*切边*PF.A*PS.A*0.9-1.9*...