Hughes综合合成孔径雷达(HISAR)是一种低成本,高性能SAR雷达,它具有实时侦察,监视和地球资源测绘的能力.HISAR采用了最初为美国空军开发的称作ASARS-2的先进的SAR技术... Baym.,RW,郑茂 - 《空载雷达》 被引量: 0发表: 2000年 机载侧视雷达侦察系统发展现状与趋势 介绍了机载侧视雷达系统的作用和地位,研究了真...
摘要: Raythron 系统公司已完成了U-2侦察机上的合成孔径雷达系统(ASARS)-2型改进.这是一项由美空军航空系统中心侦察系统计划办公室(RSPO)制定的计划, 旨在使用现货供应(COTS)的技术,来增强整个ASARS-2舰队(指装备的所有U-2飞机)的作战能力,ASARS-2系统及其支援地关键词:...
non-COVID-19) to the SARS-CoV-2 S (a) and N (b) proteins measured by ELISA. All samples were performed in triplicates and mean were presented. Sorting of single plasma cells (c) with CD38 and CD27 double-positive B cells.dTo minimize false positives, each of the S1 and N...
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus needs a fast recognition of effective drugs to save lives. In the COVID-19 situation, finding targets for drug repurposing can be an effective way to present new fast treatments. We have designed a two-step solution ...
While determining the analytical sensitivity of the Quidel Sofia SARS Antigen FIA test (Sofia 2), we uncovered a high viral load specimen that repeatedly tested negative by this antigen test. Whole genome sequencing of the specimen uncovered two mutations, T205I and D399N, present in the ...
SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh coronavirus known to infect humans and has caused an emerging and rapidly evolving global pandemic (COVID-19) with significant morbidity and mortality. To meet the urgent and massive demand for the screening and diagnosis of infected individuals, many in vitro diagnostic...
前几日,新型冠状病毒在国际上被正式命名为SARS-CoV-2,这个新名字不经使人联想到2002年末在全国爆发的非典疫情。 的确,新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)被国际病毒分类委员会认定为SARS冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)的姐妹病毒。 而早在1月20日,我国学者就已经在中国科学...
Unlike the rVSV-vectored vaccine, which uses a replication-competent but harmless virus as a vector, these candidates use either a replication-defective simian adenovirus or replication-defective human adenovirus type 26. Both vectors deliver recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein genes to human ...
SARS-CoV-2的P.1谱系,也称为20J/501Y.V3或伽马SARS-CoV-2变体,由日本国家传染病研究所首次描述,据悉于1月6日从巴西抵达日本。这种变体可以追溯到巴西的马瑙斯。人们并不认为该毒株比SARS-CoV-2的原始毒株更致命,但其传染性更强。 P.1菌株具有以下关键突变:N501Y...