必应词典为您提供asanga的释义,网络释义: 无著;无着;无著大师;
Asadha asafetida asafoetida Asahigawa Asahikawa ASALA asalam-wa-leikum Asama Asama Mount Asamiya A-sample asana asanas Asanga Asansol Asante Asantehene ASAP Asaph Hall Asaphus asarabacca Asarh Asarone Asarum Asarum canadense Asarum europaeum
asanga ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 例子: 无着 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译
陈劼《Asanga》MV在线看!陈劼 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!打击乐独奏 Asanga
Asanga is a Sydney based DJ and Producer whose diverse musical influences and knowledge ensure creativity and uniqueness in his production and sound. Supporting the likes of Metodi Hristov, Dosem, Marika Rossa, Just Her and AIROD just to name a few. Asan
中文(Chinese) 中文課程 佛學(Buddhism) 菩提心 (Bodhichitta) byGeshe Michael Roach 證者無著關於更高階的保護,第一部分(2016,亞利桑那) Archive Buddhism 中文(Chinese) 中文課程 佛學(Buddhism) byGeshe Michael Roach 由地到天:《現證莊嚴論》中的二十二層菩提心 (北京, 2016) ...
Asanga Main Chinese Definition (Not available) English Definition (名) As a noun Indian religious leader and founder of the Yogacara school of Buddhism in India (4th century). Matching Results 无著 wúzhuó (of income etc) to be unassured; to lack a reliable source; Asanga (Buddhist ...
www.asanga.com House with Swimming Pool Rent .250,000/= 2BR Small House Rent Rs.65,000/= 2BR Semi Furnished Rent Rs. 70,000/=
无著(Asanga 约4或5世纪)摘自:中国百科全书(佛教篇)Wuzhu 古印度佛教哲学家。大乘佛教瑜伽行派理论体系的建立者之一。生于北印度犍陀罗国的布路沙城(意译丈夫城),属婆罗门种姓。初习小乘,在说一切有部出家;又从宾头卢学习小乘空观理论。其后在中印度阿 陀国改信大乘,弘扬《瑜伽师地论》、《金刚般若波罗蜜经...
1) Asanga 无著2) Asanga 无著大师3) invalid recording 无效著录 1. The phenomena of invalid recording and intentional withdrawal recording of references are discussed and some suggestions are proposed. 对参考文献的无效著录和有意回避著录2种现象进行了分析,并提出相应的建议。 更多例句>> ...