Project color color string Color used to display the project. Project notes notes string Notes about the project. Owner owner string Owner of the project. Archive archived boolean Archived projects do not show in the UI by default. Returns An Asana project. Body ProjectResponse Create...
Project color color string Color used to display the project. Project notes notes string Notes about the project. Owner owner string Owner of the project. Archive archived boolean Archived projects do not show in the UI by default. Returns An Asana project. Body ProjectResponse Create...
Project archived Boolean EQUAL_TO color String completed Boolean completed_at DateTime completed_by Struct created_at DateTime created_from_template Struct current_status Struct current_status_update Struct custom_field_settings List custom_fields List default_view String due_date Date ...
You can add a task to multiple projects when creating it via the Asana API, all with one API call. Search and Hypertext don’t show Archived projects in results by default. Email address links work in comments and notes. Clicking the Asana logo takes you to your My Tasks view. Clearer ...
You can add a task to multiple projects when creating it via the Asana API, all with one API call. Search and Hypertext don’t show Archived projects in results by default. Email address links work in comments and notes. Clicking the Asana logo takes you to your My Tasks view. Clearer ...
You can add a task to multiple projects when creating it via theAsana API, all with one API call. Search and Hypertext don’t show Archived projects in results by default. Email address links work in comments and notes. Clicking the Asana logo takes you to your My Tasks view. ...
Project color color string Color used to display the project. Project notes notes string Notes about the project. Owner owner string Owner of the project. Archive archived boolean Archived projects do not show in the UI by default. Returns An Asana project. Body ProjectResponse Create...
Project color color string Color used to display the project. Project notes notes string Notes about the project. Owner owner string Owner of the project. Archive archived boolean Archived projects do not show in the UI by default. Returns An Asana project. Body ProjectResponse Create...
You can add a task to multiple projects when creating it via the Asana API, all with one API call. Search and Hypertext don’t show Archived projects in results by default. Email address links work in comments and notes. Clicking the Asana logo takes you to your My Tasks view. Clearer ...
She created a Portfolio for each team to hold their projects and tasks, such as a design team portfolio, and she can click on the Workload view to see each designer’s tasks. Jessie shares it with creatives each Monday to discuss what’s coming up for the week and make adjustments. ...