username tan password wf7On0i5n41YhRUJencrypted privilege 15 username davidsm password sRzlsSdAfQ.ImAFlencrypted privilege 15 username itadmin password AJi448PhOZIXFSyjencrypted privilege 15 tunnel-group x.x.x.x type ipsec-l2l 香港隧道 tunnel-group x.x.x.x general-attributes d...
You are prompted for the username and password.Note If you are unable to reach the access point, and the ASA has the default configuration and other networking issues are not found, then you may want to restore the access point default configuration. You must access the ASA CLI (connect to...
ssid 5506W_5Ghz ! interface BVI1 ip address ip default-gateway ! interface Dot11Radio0 no shut ! interface Dot11Radio1 no shut [an error occurred while processing this directive] 從此時開始,您可以執行正常步驟完成WAP的配置,並且您必須...
firepower-boot>setup Welcome to Cisco FTD Setup [hit Ctrl-C to abort] Default values are inside [] Enter a hostname [firepower]: FTD5506 Do you want to configure IPv4 address on management interface?(y/n) [Y]: Y Do you want to enable DHCP for IPv4 address assignme...
ASA 5506-X Basic Configuration Tutorial The ASA 5506-X has a default configuration out-of-the-box. This default configuration has the following characteristics: Internal LAN: Internal LAN can access the Internet. The WAN (outside) interface (GE1/1) is configured to receive IP...
101 username vxiadmin password /1ganKF8WKayiiD0 encryptedtunnel-group DefaultRAGroup general-attributesaddress-pool l2tpauthentication-server-group l2tpdefault-group-policy ciscotunnel-group DefaultRAGroup ipsec-attributespre-shared-key ciscotunnel-group DefaultRAGroup ppp-attributesauthentication ms-chap-v2!
1思科系统公司 .cisco思科ASA5506-X快速入门指南发布日期:2015年3月2日1.装箱清单本节列出了机箱装箱清单中的配件。请注意,装箱清单可能有所变动,实际配件的数量可能多于或少于装箱清单上所列。2.启动ASA1.将电源电缆连接到ASA并将其连接到电源插座。插上电源电缆插头时,自动接通电源。没有电源按钮。2.检查ASA...
Forgot Your Password Log into the Cisco ASA Firewall Secure Shell (SSH) is the default method to log into Cisco ASA 5505/5506-X firewalls. Contact Live Support if you’re unsure which firewall model you use. Log into your dedicated server command-line interface (CLI) as root with SSH. ...