torch.contiguous()方法语义上是“连续的”,经常与torch.permute()、torch.transpose()、torch.view()方法一起使用,要理解这样使用的缘由,得从pytorch多维数组的低层存储开始说起: touch.view()方法对张量改变“形状”其实并没有改变张量在内存中真正的形状,可以理解为: view方法...Torch...
torch.as_strided(input, size, stride, storage_offset=0) → Tensor 参数: input(Tensor) -输入张量。 size(tuple或者整数) -输出张量的形状 stride(tuple或者整数) -输出张量的步幅 storage_offset(int,可选的) -输出张量的基础存储中的偏移量 使用指定的size、stride和storage_offset创建现有torch.Tensorinput...
🐛 Describe the bug import torch arg_1 = (2, 2) arg_2 = [25,40] arg_3 = 1 results = torch.as_strided(size=arg_1,stride=arg_2,storage_offset=arg_3,) I provide arguments size and stride, but above code throw an exception TypeError: as_strided() missing 3 required positional...
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration - Segmentation Fault (core dumped) on as_strided with torch.compile · pytorch/pytorch@aa69d73
PyTorch是否支持numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided中的stride_tricks?*torch.nn.unfold如何 * 从批量...
🐛 Describe the bug When running the following test case with torch.compile, a segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) occurs. Without torch.compile, the expected RuntimeError is raised instead. Test case import torch @torch.compile def f(*args): in...
🐛 Describe the bug according to documentation (, "as_strided" should override the existing strides and offset of the tensor storage (as opposed to other view operations whic...
🐛 Describe the bug Please use below code to reproduce error: import os from math import inf import torch from torch import tensor, device import torch.fx as fx import functools import torch._dynamo from torch._dynamo.debug_utils import r...
torch/_functorch/_aot_autograd/", line 308, in runtime_wrapper all_outs = call_func_at_runtime_with_args( ^^^ File "/opt/conda/envs/py_3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/_functorch/_aot_autograd/", line 124, in call_func_at_runtime_with_args out...
14 torch_xla/csrc/aten_xla_type.cpp @@ -491,25 +491,27 @@ at::Tensor AtenXlaType::as_strided(const at::Tensor& self, at::IntArrayRef size, at::IntArrayRef stride, c10::optional<int64_t> storage_offset) { XLA_FN_COUNTER("xla::"); if (!ir::ops::AsStrided::StrideIsSuppo...