AS7341 is an 11-channel multi-spectral sensor for color detection and spectral analysis applications. The spectral response is defined in the wavelengths from approximately 350nm to 1000nm. 6 channels can be processed in parallel by independent ADCs whil
AS7341 is an 11-channel multi-spectral sensor for color detection and spectral analysis applications. The spectral response is defined in the wavelengths from approximately 350nm to 1000nm. 6 channels can be processed in parallel by independent ADCs whil
颜色测量仪器多通道高精度 I2C 控制接口, 具有光谱识别和颜色检测等功能,是制作小巧精致的光谱分析仪的理想选择支持Arduino、STM32、Raspberry Pi 多平台主板。 详细介绍 颜色测量仪器型号 AS7341 Spectral Color Sensor SKU 19564 品牌 Waveshare 产品特性: 1.板载 AS7341 芯片,内部集成了 8 个可见光通道、1 个闪烁...
Sensor Type Multi Spectral Sensor Applications Spectral detection and analysis, building automation ambient sensing, color measurement I/O I²C Package OLGA-8 Size [mm] 3.1 x 2 x 1 Supply Voltage [V] 1.8 Temperature Range [°C] -30 to 70 应用领域: 颜色匹配和肤色测量,增强人工智能:按颜色...
11 Channel Spectral Sensor 1.8V 8-Pin OLGA T/R Color Sensor 16 b 8-TFLGA 得捷: SENSOR AMBIENT LIGHT 艾睿: 11 Channel Spectral Sensor 1.8V 8-Pin OLGA T/R 立创商城: AS7341 DLGM Verical: 11 Channel Spectral Sensor 1.8V 8-Pin OLGA T/R ...
It's easy to use theAS7341with Python or CircuitPython, and theAdafruit CircuitPython AS7341module. This module allows you to easily write Python code that readsmulti-spectral color intensityfrom theAS7341sensor. You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board or with a co...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) AMS奥地利微电子AS7341 11-Channel Spectral Sensor Evaluation Kit用户手册说明书.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 AMS奥地利微电子AS734111-ChannelSpectralSensorEvaluationKit用户手册说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 ...
We live in a colorful world, but how much do you really know about color? You eyes may deceive you, while the sensors don’t lie. This AS7341sensor can tell you the truth about color. AS7341 Visible Light Sensor employs the new generation of AS7341 spectral sensor IC launched by the ...
This Gravity: AS7341 11-Channel Visible Light Sensor can tell you the truth about color. Gravity: AS7341 11-Channel Visible Light Sensor employs the new generation of AS7341 spectral sensor IC launched by the well-known AMS company. The sensor features eight channels for the visible light, ...