该传感器板载了两颗亮度可调LED,甚至能在黑暗环境下收集数据。 为了收集和发送AS7341可见光传感器产生的光谱颜色数据,作者将传感器连接到Arduino Nano 33 IoT上。 然后,连接了四个类按钮,以便在向PHP Web应用程序发送数据时分配成熟度类(初熟、半熟、成熟、腐烂)。 接着用一个电位计(带旋钮的长轴)来调整AS7341传感...
More Arduino Related ProjectsArduino TutorialsGravity ProjectsMore Gravity Projects Gravity: AS7341 11-Channel Visible Light Sensor $0.00 Add to Cart Shop Now Information About UsWarrantyTerms & ConditionsShippingPaymentFAQCustomer Service DFRobot DistributorsContact UsSite MapMy Account AffiliatesSpecials ...
颜色测量仪器多通道高精度 I2C 控制接口, 具有光谱识别和颜色检测等功能,是制作小巧精致的光谱分析仪的理想选择支持Arduino、STM32、Raspberry Pi 多平台主板。 详细介绍 颜色测量仪器型号 AS7341 Spectral Color Sensor SKU 19564 品牌 Waveshare 产品特性: 1.板载 AS7341 芯片,内部集成了 8 个可见光通道、1 个闪烁...
While it certainly takes a bit of work to make all those different light sensors share their measurements, our Arduino and CircuitPython libraries take care of all of that hard work for you, and even include example code to help get you started. Read on and you'll find library installation...
วควบคุมขนาดเล็กชุดสตาร์ทเตอร์หุ่นยนต์โล่เซ็นเซอร์การแสดงผลโมดูลฯลฯสำหรับ Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ...
History Credits Summary 1.Read the value of each channel 2.Detect whether the frequency of light source flickering is 50HZ or 60HZ Installation To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo ...
1.以Arduino IDE为开发工具(版本为1.8.5),选取“项目”菜单下“加载库”的“添加一个ZIP库”选项; 2.在文件下载对话框,选取“DFRobot_AS7341-master.ZIP”; 图6加载ZIP库 3.在完成后,在“项目”菜单 “加载库”下即可见到“DFRobot_AS7341-master”选项。有了DFRobot_AS7341库,就可以编写相应的控制程序了...
The AS7341 by AMS is a multi-channel spectrometer which is a special type of light sensor that is able to detect not only the amount of light present, but also the amounts of light within different wavelengths.
While it certainly takes a bit of work to make all those different light sensors share their measurements, our Arduino and CircuitPython libraries take care of all of that hard work for you, and even include example code to help get you started. Read on and you'll find library installation...
1.以Arduino IDE为开发工具(版本为1.8.5),选取“项目”菜单下“加载库”的“添加一个ZIP库”选项; 2.在文件下载对话框,选取“DFRobot_AS7341-master.ZIP”; 图6加载ZIP库 3.在完成后,在“项目”菜单 “加载库”下即可见到“DFRobot_AS7341-master”选项。有了DFRobot_AS7341库,就可以编写相应的控制程序了...