关于方便旗船在世界各个港口造成的海损事故时有所闻,重则船沉人亡,轻则主机,辅机或舵机等主要设备发生故障,从而失去了对船舶的控制造成事故隐患或海损事故等.如果引航员了解方便旗船的历史,方便旗船的船舶检验,方便旗船可能存在的问题等,采取适... 关键
This article reviews recent progress in research on the role of Smad signaling in corneal wound healing. Smad2 and Smad3 are key signaling molecules downstream of the cell surface receptor of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) or activin. On ligand binding to the receptor, Smads2/3 und...
作者以西葫芦自交系ST05作母本,自交系SW221为父本配制成西葫芦一代杂交品种利园8号.利园8号西葫芦具有株型紧凑,早熟,连续坐瓜能力强,耐病耐热,商品性好,品质优,产量高等特性,适合北方春季日光温室,塑料大棚,春露地,越夏及秋季露地种植.该文介绍了利园8号西葫芦的选育过程,多点多茬口试验结果及栽培要点. 查看全部...
用锗钼酸做原料,在水热条件下合成了一种新型Keggin型杂多酸衍生物[Fe(phen)3]2[GeMoⅥ8MoⅤ4O40] ·0.5H2O.该化合物属于三斜晶系:空间群为Pī;晶胞参数a=1.216 0(2) nm,b=1.367 6(3) nm,c=1.462 7(3) nm,α=105.05(3)°,β=109.64(3)°,γ=93.07(3)°,V=2.185 6(7) nm3,Z=2,F(000...
Therefore, testing of IgG4 to foods is considered as irrelevant for the laboratory work-up of food allergy or intolerance and should not be performed in case of food-related complaints. 展开 关键词: food allergy food intolerance IgG IgG4 in vitro tests ...
An attachment piece for a bicycle display device (5) includes an attachment component (1) for attachment to a structural member (6) of the bicycle, a support column (2) fixed at a proximal portion thereof to the attachment component (1), and a base member (4) having an attachment surfac...
The Breadwinner (Nora Twomey, 2017) is an Irish-Canadian film by Cartoon Saloon, with the cooperation of Angelina Jolie and Jordan Peele as executive producers. The movie adapts Deborah Ellis' best-seller novel, published in 2002, which ... R Ballester Cabo - 《Con A De Animación》 被引...
The purpose of this final master's work is to evaluate the entrepreneurial orientation and transformational leadership style as determinants of business innovation and its types of exploratory and exploitative innovation. After reviewing the literature, a conceptual study model was defined, which was ...
关键词: 沃兹涅先斯基 红旗勋章 苏联文学 五十年代 安德烈 阿喀琉斯 散文作品 奥泽罗夫 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 万方 知网 来源期刊 世界文学 研究点推荐 劳动红旗勋章 红旗勋章 苏联文学 站内活动 0关于我们 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为...