Shenzhen Chuangxin Online Testing Technology Co., Ltd. provides various real-life case studies such as IC authenticity testing, failure analysis, functional testing, decapsulation, X-ray, etc.
been in compliance in relation to the most important section of AS6081, testing and inspections, since 2012. Arcadia became certified to AS6081 soon after its registration audit December 5, 2016. Arcadia's registration audit resulted in zero (0) major non-conformances, zero (0) minor non-con...
SAE Aerospace G-19 Committee: Chartered in 2007 to address aspects of preventing, detecting, responding to and counteracting the threat of counterfeit electronic components. Participant include: Government, Defense/Aerospace manufacturers, Industry Groups, Testing Laboratories.Anne Poncheri...
AS6081是SAE(国际自动机工程师学会)所制定的航空航天质量管理体系标准,定义了一组严格的防止伪劣料件进入全球供应链的系统化实践,研究如何避免、检测、减少和处置伪劣料件,从而保护全球电子市场免受其害。 通过AS6081标准检验的每一批元器件,意味着获得该认证的电子元器件/供应商在料件保真方面具有更强的能力,是客户...
Inspection, Measurements and Testing Disposition Continual ImprovementAll inspections are performed by experienced and certified IDEA-ICE-3000 Inspectors. 4 Star’s policies and procedures outline the avoidance, mitigation, and disposition strategy employed by the company to eliminate counterfeit electronic com...
Opening in 2023, Smith’s 20,000-square-footSingapore operational hubmirrors the capabilities of its other global facilities––offering a full suite ofinspection,testing, andstoragefor components—and securely houses products across all stages of the supply chain. ...