同于6171试验方法标准.一般要求、可疑/假冒、电气、电子和机电零部件 同于6496 欺诈/假冒电子部件:避免、检测、缓解和处置-授权/特许经营分销 同于9003 对航空、航天和国防组织的检验和测试质量体系的要求 同于9100 质量管理体系-对航空、航天和国防组织的要求 注:也可提供EN9100和JISQ9100。 同于9120 质量管理体系...
如果合同中引用了AS6171/10,则基础文件AS6171一般要求也应适用。 This test method provides the capabilities, limitations, and suggested possible applications of TGA as it pertains to the detection of counterfeit electronic components. Additionally, this document outlines requirements associated with the applic...
基本原理 This Standard was created and is being updated in response to continually evolving, significant , and increasing risk of counterfeit electrical, electronic, and electromechanical (EEE)pa同s entering the aerospace supply chain, posing significant performance,reliability,and safety risks. 本标准的...