型号 KH-AS568-2-000 进口O型密封圈 AS568派克2-114美标15.54*2.62通过选用合适的橡胶材料和适当的配方设计,实现对油、水、空气、煤气及各种化学介质有效的密封作用。温度使用范围广(- 60 ℃~+ 220 ℃),固定使用时压力可达 1500Kg/cm2( 与补强环并用 )。O型圈 日标 美标 国标 轴用 孔用 标准规格 尺寸...
In particular, combination therapy using aspirin with a platelet ADP (i.e. P2Y12) receptor inhibitor, such as clopidogrel, prasugrel or, more recently, ticagrelor, has been recommended for patients with acute coronary syndrome.Pharmacological agents that reversibly inhibit platelet aggregation without ...