同时,AS550被命名为“小狐”(Fennec)。此外,不同国家和地区也有各自的命名和编号,如英国皇家空军将其命名为“松鼠”HT.Mk1(Squirrel HT.Mk1),而巴西军方则命名为“松鼠(Esquilo)”,但各军种的编号有所不同。在研制生产方面,欧洲直升机公司自1992年1月成立以来,便承担了AS350系列直升机的研制工作。该公司...
786403. Aérospatiale AS 550A2 Fennec. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
Based on the AS350 Ecureuil and AS355 Ecureuil 2 series, they are named after the Fennec Fox. The armed versions of the AS550 and AS555 can be fitted with coaxial weapons, rockets, torpedoes and various other munitions. Both the AS-350 and the AS-550 uses the same Turbomeca Arriel en...